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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Modernization of Slavery

While slavery in it's most obvious form isn't still around in the United States, I beg to differ that slavery has been obliterated in all forms. While many have mentioned child slavery in the creation of many American products and in the sex slave business, there is something we are "slaves" to in a sense that we have failed to see as Americans especially-Society. I was watching MTV (the once in a year that I do watch it) and found an excellent analogy to many of societies tactics to keep us in "line" with what's normal. The line really refers to the African American race, but can be generalized to all. "Physically we're free, but mentally we're still slaves" is the line that caused such an epiphany for this blog entry. He was talking about how the music industry has turned from one of expression of feelings of love, hurt, pain and happiness to that of bragging about the types of drugs one owns, the sex they get, the money they have and the girls they obtain. And while one doesn't HAVE to rap about this, it's one of the few ways to get noticed and appreciated in the current music world. To say one is a "slave" persay to such music and getting noticed would be wrong, but society has us "chained" and "bounded" in the way to say that if you're not pretty, educated, and can do something worthwhile, then you're not worth the time of being here or you're an outcast.
This powerful line also alludes to the fact that there is a "stereotype" that in rap, the aforestated methods of rapping is expected. In such a sense, we are slaves to what society wants as it seems now "sex sells." When we hear this, many say that it depends on the person, and that if we want to, we can change it. While the former part of this statement is correct, I fail to believe that we can completely change it without a major epiphany. As evident, the most popular songs have sexual inuendos if not blatant words alluring to such atrocity. While it may seem I've gone completely offpoint, I introduced modern slavery in an abstract way. We are "expected" to rap about the most common subjects of the day. If not, it's looked at as "lame" or, in other words "unheard of" or "out of line", just like a slave revolting against his/her master. Mentally, we are still bound in the chains of slavery in the fact that we are rapping/singing/dressing as society expect. While it's now a way of life, we can "revolt" and while we may be persecuted, we will be the victors in the end, as many were (Harriet Tubman for example). Even those who died revolting ended their lives fighting and was welcomed to peace. So, in essence, besides the blatant slavery, we still are slaves today to society as a whole, and many others.

P.S. If this was confusing, please comment and I'll reword.


  1. Slavery is truly a horrible thing and its still predominant in society, what would you suggest a step forward to changing slavery could be?

  2. I honeslty don't believe slavery will ever be abolished. There will always be that group of people who don't want others to potentially be superior and in some way, someone or a group of people will be taken captive
