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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Most Thankful for...Which Classmate?

The classmate in which I am most thankful for is someone I only recently met this year. While I had 2 other people that were tied with this person, they won because of not only their treatment toward me in the classroom but outside the classroom (Not virtually). This person is someone who always/most of the time says hi whenever I pass them, and when we do talk, they're always smiling and making me feel welcome.
This person is Simon Black-Toby. While I had other people (two of which, coincidentally sit extremely close to him), Simon won in the end. I like the way Simon makes me feel welcome and is easily compatible to most people. He also has influenced me to try my best on my instrument (trombone) and do my best in spanish to become fluent (though he exceeds my years by a little over half a decade). He is quite a joyous person and someone I really am thankful for. He is one of the first people who made me feel more comfortable in American Lit the first few weeks of school and I will always appreciate his prescence in our class.
The 2nd person whom I feel quite thankful for is Loren Hou. While we don't talk in American Lit, we do have another class in which we talk. We talk most over facebook, and have become friends over this network. For what am I grateful for? Well, she certainly is funny, smart (go figure :P) and is just able to light up a gloomy day for me (Like Simon). She and I are almost always talking when we can and sometimes her prescence makes a person feel better. I guess her biggest trait that makes me most grateful is her dedication to school, education and the piano. Her choice to push through even the most frustrating projects/work makes me admire her and just want to try harder. She is constantly pushing me to do my best and not give up as my hard work, sweat, etc will be worth is and for this I am ever grateful.
While I'd like to elaborate on the other two people I am strongly feeling compelled to, I'm still in the process of getting to know them and would like to elaborate more on them than what I know now. I appreciate everyone in our class, but Simon and Loren are the top two. I'm glad (more than one will ever know) to be in the 2nd period American Lit class and I don't want any other. May you all have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Metaphorical Plow

My desk is desecrated by an array of hands as my homework is rotated in nearly a 360 degree angle to be viewed by all who crowded around me. Such activity is typical, especially in my AP Calc class and today was a homework check, so all the homework my class lacked was cheated off of, whether it were from me or another one of the "socially awkward" kids in our class, though I was the preferred source. Many of them pushed and jotted stuff on scrap paper to copy and make look their own. When many noticed the problems required showing of work, in which there was no way to finish and make look their own in the small time slot remaining, a plethora of curses flew from their mouths. I merely stared at the wooden desk in front of me, hating that my hard HOURS spent doing these problems neatly and accurately were going to get them A's without even remotely using their minds. As the mass of people at my desk quickly waned, I was aware that the teacher must have stepped in. Straightening my paper, I leaned back and waited to turn in my COMPLETE assignment.
Such rituals took place is 5/7 classes I took. Half being AP, I'd think one would do the work as they paid to test into it, and obviously was smart enough to pass said tests, but my assumptions were never confirmed. Coincidentally, in my only honors class, the kids work their butts off for the grade. Our teacher pumps us, makes sure we understand it. I feel so equal, happy in this class. I'm not being raked, dragged around for my useful qualities, but actually strengthening them, as it should be.
Following my AP Calc class, a group of boys surrounded me. "You shoulda let me see that work yesterday man, like I asked." Failing to respond, I continued on where I needed to be. As we parted ways, he called down the hall "Coulda helped a brother out." Little did he know, I was helping him out more than he would ever realize.

Correlation: To see the correlation between the plow and the story, think of how the plow better conveniences farmers and how the protagonist better conveniences the other children.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Modernization of Slavery

While slavery in it's most obvious form isn't still around in the United States, I beg to differ that slavery has been obliterated in all forms. While many have mentioned child slavery in the creation of many American products and in the sex slave business, there is something we are "slaves" to in a sense that we have failed to see as Americans especially-Society. I was watching MTV (the once in a year that I do watch it) and found an excellent analogy to many of societies tactics to keep us in "line" with what's normal. The line really refers to the African American race, but can be generalized to all. "Physically we're free, but mentally we're still slaves" is the line that caused such an epiphany for this blog entry. He was talking about how the music industry has turned from one of expression of feelings of love, hurt, pain and happiness to that of bragging about the types of drugs one owns, the sex they get, the money they have and the girls they obtain. And while one doesn't HAVE to rap about this, it's one of the few ways to get noticed and appreciated in the current music world. To say one is a "slave" persay to such music and getting noticed would be wrong, but society has us "chained" and "bounded" in the way to say that if you're not pretty, educated, and can do something worthwhile, then you're not worth the time of being here or you're an outcast.
This powerful line also alludes to the fact that there is a "stereotype" that in rap, the aforestated methods of rapping is expected. In such a sense, we are slaves to what society wants as it seems now "sex sells." When we hear this, many say that it depends on the person, and that if we want to, we can change it. While the former part of this statement is correct, I fail to believe that we can completely change it without a major epiphany. As evident, the most popular songs have sexual inuendos if not blatant words alluring to such atrocity. While it may seem I've gone completely offpoint, I introduced modern slavery in an abstract way. We are "expected" to rap about the most common subjects of the day. If not, it's looked at as "lame" or, in other words "unheard of" or "out of line", just like a slave revolting against his/her master. Mentally, we are still bound in the chains of slavery in the fact that we are rapping/singing/dressing as society expect. While it's now a way of life, we can "revolt" and while we may be persecuted, we will be the victors in the end, as many were (Harriet Tubman for example). Even those who died revolting ended their lives fighting and was welcomed to peace. So, in essence, besides the blatant slavery, we still are slaves today to society as a whole, and many others.

P.S. If this was confusing, please comment and I'll reword.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

A New Spin on a Cool Class?

Unfortunately, I am unsure as to what this blog is to be about. Nonetheless, I will assume that we are to tell about a way the class could be slightly changed, or a new direction it needs to be aimed in for our benefit. In my honest opinion, there isn't much, if anything, that needs to be changed. We spend ample time on each section of the work and there is no rushing with journals or discussion questions. We are able to inquire about what we need to and joke around while doing it. I personally learn quite a bit from this class that applies to my World Studies class, so I'm happy.
We as an American Lit class seem to click easily which makes learning easier, more relaxing and fun. There seems to be no hostility (or that I notice) between any two persons and we're able to laugh and talk together.
Maybe the only new "Direction" we could go in is writing narratives, but it's too premature in the year to ask as we are probably doing some as the year progresses. Otherwise, I quite enjoy what this class is offering and it certainly keeps me awake in the wee hours of dawn. Since I have no other statements to make, I shall wrap this up. :)