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Friday, December 17, 2010

"Let's Wait Awhile"

"Let's wait awhile; Before it's too late; Let's wait awhile;Before we go too far"
This chorus in the song "Let's Wait Awhile" by Janet Jackson is the most strongly stated words throughout the entirety of the work. It's quite evident what she is alluding to and such a strongly, boldly stated song is exactly what this world and generation needs. She preaches that waiting to be intimate in such relationships with lines like "When we get to know each other and we're both feeling much stronger, then let's try to talk it over." Despite the view one may have for Janet Jackson, listening to and understanding this song shows another depth in which one may not have seen. In a world where there is some preaching of "Abstinence and waiting," there is little motivation/encouragement behind it. Songs are constantly preaching the opposite, yet want kids to make wise decisions. Contradiction much?
Janet Jackson's voice and pitch range for this song is easy on the ears (mid range notes, soft higher notes) and will just relax a person and allow them to actually hear and understand what the song is saying. It's actually inspiring (the music video adds to this) to stay abstinent and her last line in the song says "I'm worth the wait," something everyone should say to a pressuring partner and treasure themselves at. I found this song something out the ordinary and found the lyrics excellent and something everyone should listen to and be inspired by. Waiting is both a choice and a treasure.">

Friday, December 10, 2010

Gabrielle's Trick of Writing

"Gabrielle, how do you write so well! I'm jealous!"

Okay, so maybe people don't say such things, but I do have a few tricks that I find best help me when I'm in a writing mood and want my emotions to be best expressed. Here are some quick pointers that seem to be the strongest part of my writing success (when I have them):

1. Listening to music/thinking of a similar situation
  • If one listens to music that has strong lyrical and rhythmic emotions that are able to STRONLGY evoke the emotion desired, writing will be better (at least for me). I find this to be so because good words to describe said situation is hard when you're not in the "mood", but you're best able to show these emotions when you're in the mood in which your character is (or the tone of your paper is to be in)2. Write, regardless of writer's block or other obstacles
  • While this is common advice, I don't always follow this. I especially despite writing when I feel my writing is on a level far (or even not that far) from the desired one I'm shooting for. If you don't write your ideas down, you'll actually find that the prominent idea that was once in your mind is not as large or able to be expressed as when it first was there. Regardless of whether you can continue with the idea or it sounds "childish" or "stupid", just write it down and continue when your block is gone. If it sounds childish or not "up to par", go back, read it and revise sentences, ideas, or words that aren't as good as they should be.

3. Have Writing Critiqued

  • I find this is one of my weakest points, but it's a good idea and I've found some of my best writing comes when someone critiques and contributes to the idea of the story/paper. Allow people you trust and know will support you, yet critique you with a kind heart to help you better improve.
4. Don't stress
  • Don't stress about writing good or much but just make the content what you want/need it to be. If you must write for a class, give yourself enough time to make sure it's the best it can be. Stressful writing isn't successful writing.
These are only a few tips I use when writing and as I use them more and take heed to them, my writing will improve and I hope it'll help you somehow. Thank you for reading :)

Jay and Nick?


met him at a party not too long ago, and I feel as though he's only using me for an ultimate purpose (which I found to be true to a point not but a night ago). He took for a ride on his hydroplane the day following the party and he gave off a good vibe. Following this, I kind of got the drift that he was scheming something. On the way into the New York city, he asked me for a favor, though he failed to explain to me at that moment what the favor was. He had me speculating at just how much of a favor it was. For some reason, I became irritated and his secretiveness and quite wary of the fact that his story about being awarded a medal from Montenegro. While he showed me authentic-seeming memorabilia, I was still quite skeptic. Was it possible to fake a medal from Montenegro and a picture of friends from Oxford? It was quite strange that he "happened" to be friends with the man who is now known as the Earl of Doncaster. People add sound effects and such to moving pictures so...Gatsby could have done the same, except with a photo and adding people in and out, right? I mean, he does have money...

After having lunch and being surprised by the fact that Jordan and I used our outing not for a conversation about our relationship and to better know each other, but to be informed on how I was to invite Daisy to tea with me and then allow Gatsby to come and meet her. Why am I being used as a pawn? Is this man not big enough to go to Daisy himself, or better yet, invite her to his house opposed to mine? This friendship isn't turning out to be so much a friendship at all and I most strongly experienced this revelation when I discovered I wasn't recognized in the music room after Klipspringer began playing the piano and they retreated to the couch. Maybe if I begin distancing myself from Gatsby and his "web of lies", I'll be better off....


I can't imagine how Nick feels as I seem to come off as a user, mistrusting and not loyal. I guess one can assume such things when every outing but one revolves around a favor I need. I wonder why Jay continues to stay around as I'd have been gone ages ago. In the car the other day, he seemed to be quite irritated with me and if it weren't that I wanted to maintain a confident composure, I'd have broken down then and there to tell him the scheme of my plans instead of having Ms. Baker do it. The outing with the hydroplane was so fun and for once, since losing Daisy, I feel as though I may be able to confide in someone. Maybe talking more and demanding less would keep our relationship alive. But his favor, his choice to do the favor made my year and might have brought back the single most important person in my life-Daisy.
She's changed, though I still see some of the Midwestern Daisy left, but that husband Tom has changed her much. The light in which used to be a depiction, a sign of my dream in the distance has now sailed ashore to my house. She seems impressed with my things and her delight has changed my view on it. I don't feel as lonely anymore, but quite content happy. Jay left by the time I came out of my daze of Daisy so I was unable to talk to him more.
After such a large favor, I really ought to thank him 100 times over. I could tell my stories also seemed unbelievable, but for now, I'll leave that be. In due time, he'll know who I truly am and what I have hidden from the outside, judgmental world. As for now, I'll work on changing our relationship (If possible).

Friday, December 3, 2010

Winter Poem (The Other Side of the Tracks)

The Other Side of the Tracks

"Don't be too expectant. Christmas isn't all about the gifts."
Mama's bottom lip trembles as she thinks about the year's financial shifts
No one appreciates the true sentimentality of Christmas anymore
People run to the tree and expect to see below it gifts galore
Christmas is supposed to be about Joy, laughter, and unity
But money had taken away the closeness of not only family but the entire community

I look around the house, and every potential for happiness had been drained
No longer did stockings hang, and day by day begin to fill, making the hooks strained
small tree stood in the corner, no lights or onaments to be found
Whereas just a year ago, the little tree would be covered in decorations profound
No beautiful sounds of Christmas music was to be heard or played
It was as if our financial change had caused our joy to have fallen in and decayed

I was now at a place I'd always been told of-The other side of the tracks
"Show your appreciation for what you have by giving back"
Those words finally rang strong and true in my ear
And despite my appearing strong and nonchalant, I felt run down my face a hot tear
Everything I'd always said would never happened to me was coming true
Then suddenly, something inside me awakened and finally I immediately knew
That being on the other side of the tracks wasn't necessarily a negative thing
Because these families were wealthy, despite their financial stings

I now see the beautiful moral behind this horrible catastrophe
Our family was witnessing before its eyes our own Commercial Christmas atrophy
Following this current "storm", the sun would return in a full new way
And the sentiments and love acquired could never be taken away
No matter how much monetary wealth our family lacks
We were spiritually much stronger now that we had been put on the other side of the tracks