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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Who is Gabrielle Burns? (An introduction)

Hi. My name is Gabrielle Almatine Burns and I attend Whitney Young Magnet High School. I was named after my grandmother (my only grandparent still living) and she has played a strong part in my life along with my parents. I'm 15 years old and during my 15 years, I've had my dosage of pain, stress, joy, elation and just un-describable emotions bestowed upon me. I believe they happened for a reason to shape me into who I am today. After losing a best friend, I realized how precious life is and how it shouldn't be taken for granted. I try and live each day doing what I'm supposed to do and am trying to stop worrying about what I think others will think of me (though it's hard sometimes).
I'm an introvert and quite shy. Excluding in-class discussions, I'm a rather socially awkward person. People appear attracted to my personality from what I understand, though talking and socializing isn't easy at all. The most talking I do to my friends is through electronic communication as face-to-face confrontation isn't required. I feel this is attributed to the fact that I don't want to say anything wrong or offending and electronic communication can reduce this. I'm a perfectionist, so to say, when it comes to having a good relationship with people and having them know the true me and what I'm like.
My hobbies include reading (typically romances, teen fictions, realistic fictions), writing (short stories, novels, poems, journals, etc), hanging online (facebook, emails, etc), traveling (which I discovered after going to California twice in one year) and such. I'm not athletically inclined but I do enjoy playing basketball and want to play football. If I get in shape for next year, I intend to try out for the Whitney Young team. I'm not the typical girl and enjoy wearing clothes that are comfortable rather than "cute," but I'm slowly learning to mix the two. I'm a gym shoe fanatic and love buying and wearing new shoes. Nike's are my favorite kind. I've been a tomboy all my life and fail to see myself changing anytime soon.
I enjoy giving advice to people and just listening to them. I've been told I'm easy-going and easy to talk to. Whenever I am able to help people see something from another perspective that allows them to better a situation, I gain a metaphorical "high." Helping others is what I aspire to do in life and what career path I'll take to do that I know not, but as of now, I'm leaning toward the medical field. I've called myself a "nerd" (yes, a self-ordained name) since 5th grade and though many say I'm not a nerd, I feel quite the contrary. It's not a derogatory name to me and not a name I want to change. I'm proud of my quirky and intellectual ways. Once a person gets to know me, they'll better understand the reason for this name.
My religion, family and friends come first in my life. I put them ahead of myself and would do anything (or almost anything) for them and would do my all to keep them from harm's way. Materialistic things will fade away but the memories and love I get from my family, friends and God won't. This is merely a snippet of who I am and I hope as we endeavor through our Sophomore, Junior and Senior year, you get to know more of who I am.


  1. Hi there Gabby. As from what I've read from your blog we have many things in common. one of them being how you enjoy helping other people. With that said I'd be glad to offer you help if you ever need it. I look forward to seeing your around in American Literature.

    P.S Your not the only "Nerd" out there. Lol.

  2. (: Hey Gabrielle ^_~ I really like how I can "see" who you are sooooo much better now. It's comforting to know that there's still someone out there that values family and education just as much as I do. (:

  3. hi gabrielle =]] you and i are soo alike haha =p i didnt even know it. when it comes to shyness it comes and goes, same with being good at sports xD haha and just... so many things!! especially the listener/caring/losing people haha.
    love you girl =]]
    ps: whitney young is mostly nerds. your in your territory. bloom, flourish, and don't worry [do do do do do do do] beeee hap-pay!! [bob marley lmao]

  4. Kate, Bobby McFerrin sang "Don't Worry be Happy" not Bob Marley....actually Bob Marley would never write that!

    Good stuff Gabrielle. Take advantage of your love of school.
