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Saturday, February 19, 2011

On The Most Common Propaganda describes "Propaganda" as follows: "[I]nformation, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc." While propaganda in "Black Boy" was quite blatant with the promotion of KKK ideas and such, today, in 2011, I don't think it would be appropriate or effective to spread the hate/ideas, etc to other groups. I find there are 2 strong points advocating different points: The Church (and such groups. Though not necessarily religious) and Music.
Before I say a word, I am currently a Christian so I am in no way insulting Christians. I'm merely stating something I observed. The church influences the thought of many people regardless of whether you're religious or not. The churches teach against Homosexuality in any shape, way, form, etc and regardless of what others say, it's leaked into non-religious people. I still question why it's against the Bible to be gay, bi, whatever, but I find it interesting how so many people are adamantly against religion but agree on this theme (Not everyone). There are many non-religious people who cannot stand homosexuals and the reason for that can range from numerous things, but in some way, shape or form, the church influenced such thought regardless of how far back it had said influence. The church seems to teach that homosexuality is wrong and that it is like a "sickness."
How is this propaganda? It spreads bad hatred about a group of people the church REFUSES to get to know. There are rumors that have been contributed to the church's anti-homosexuality policy that makes homosexuals the target of abuse and in some areas, genocide. There are people, not all religious, that feel homosexuals are a flaw of the earth and need to be taken out or shown they are inferior (Hmm, sound familiar??? Like the Jews with Hitler? Slavery?). There have been people who have been killed or killed themselves due to the abuse they endured. The most heart-wrenching stories I've heard has been those of teenagers between the age of 13-19 taking their lives because of teasing at school for being gay (And not all of them were gay. Some were mere assumptions). While one can argue the church doesn't condone this kind of activity, I beg to differ. There is a church in Washington D.C (Or that area) that protested gay marriage, saying that soldiers in Iraq were dying because of gays and that they needed to continue to be killed because it was God's reaction to the shame sexuality brought. With adults thinking like this, is there no wonder why children are teasing/abusing others who are suspected to be gay the way they are??
Music is, in my opinion, the easiest propaganda to see. Music uses rhythmic beats with catchy tunes to convey not only what the artist, but the record company wants to convey. More and more commonly, a life of wealth is exemplified. Such a lifestyle isn't promoted via good messages and legal ways of getting rich, but talking about how the artist has access to all the cars, women/men, drugs they want. Men seem to see women as nothing but objects for their use, calling them degrading names. The best example of this is a song entitled "Make it Rain" by Travis Porter. The clean version can be a little misleading, but taking a look at the original lyrics shows that the girl will WILLING dance for cash and that the guy determines how much she makes dancing and how long she does. While all music doesn't denote such degrading, inappropriate topics, many commonly heard, top rated music is (At least in the R&B/Rap world in which I have listened to).
How is this propaganda you ask? Well, the recording companies dictate to some extent what the artist can and can't do. Is it no coincidental that a life of luxury and attractive cars and women/men coincide with magazines. Attractive, booming lifestyles are what people want. One rarely hears about the person who did something for a charity or something unless someone famous was involved (This doesn't apply all the time). My argument for music merely comes from things I've come to realize about it and how a lifestyle is exemplified opposed to another. Most people want jobs to make money, not pursue what they want and with the music and society influence of today, this is not a surprise.

P.S. I'll be tweaking this here and there. I just had to write something down and such.

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