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Friday, January 14, 2011

Long Live The King

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was of course known for his Civil Rights Movement for equality among Blacks (And other minorities) and Whites. The point of this blog is NOT to ramble about his many achievements, but to analyze whether the movements he did really were effective and what parts of Dr. King's dream didn't come true.
Today, in 2011, we are not required to go to schools only for our race, but to diverse schools (like Whitney Young). Like discussed in class, it's more in our COMFORT zone that we attend a predominately Black/White/Asian, etc school and acquire friends of the same race. With no interaction with others of other races, stereotypes can build and suddenly it's all we know and it's not until we meet and get to know someone of a different race that we know said stereotypes are not real. And, theoretically speaking, we are back to the same square Dr. King was in nearly 40-50 years ago, except it's completely voluntary. Some people will never believe in equality among the races, but we advocates of it shouldn't allow those who aren't for it to rule our lives.
As for whether Dr. King is still relevant for today, I'd honestly say not as much as before. I'd say there are numerous other causes that need attention, and while we never need to forget what movements people like Dr. King did, we need to move on to other movements while still advocating for those who are oppressed by racism. There are many people who are advocating many good things that go unrecognized. Keeping Dr. King and his motives in heart, let's take his philosophy of equality and help other movements so that others will see other oppressed groups and help make them equal. Maybe change won't happen now, but it can happen later if there are many supporters. Dr. King's dream will live on in those who advocate and do things to help it continue to grow.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you completely. We can't forget about Dr.Martin Luther King, but we should use what he's taught us to move forward and not just stay in the past.
